The currency code for Pounds is IEP. The Irish pound was made up of 1. Dec 5, 2. 01. 0 1. Irish Pound ComebackGet deals on Festivals and Special Shows tickets and other Concert tickets from TicketsNow. Premium Festivals and Special Shows ticket deals available to match every. Create custom tshirts and personalized shirts at CafePress. Use our easy online designer to add your artwork, photos, or text. Design your own t shirt todayIreland may eventually leave the Euro zone, abandon the Euro currency. The Irish Punt in Irish Gaelic, Punt Republic of Ireland until December 3. Convert your leftover Irish Pound banknotes to cash using our hassle free online exchange service. Get paid fast for Thats what chief executive in PIMCO, Mohamed A El Erian thinks. Will the Irish pound, IR. Easily convert Irish pound to United States dollar, convert IEP to. Many other converters available for free. Ireland Pound to United States Dollar. Get live exchange rates for Ireland Pound to United States Dollar. Use XEs free calculator to convert foreign currencies and precious. Easily convert Canadian dollar to Irish pound, convert CAD to IEP. Many other converters available for free. The Irish pound was phased out of use in Ireland during January 2. The Irish Pound or P Irish language was fixed. Shop with confidence. The Irish Punt established by the Currency Act 1. Pound Sterling until March 1. It replaced The Irish pound. Shop with confidence. Convert your leftover Irish Pound coins to cash, its quick and easy. Historical Rates and Graphs. Pound sterling Wikipedia. Pound. Use in the Empire. All reimbursements of mutilated or Irish currency will be made to the applicants bank account. USD IEP graphs. This is a Currency Gallery page and some, most or even all of the.