This means that the user is a security principal in forest A and after he is moved to forest B, he is a security principal in forest B as well. This may be a hybrid forest scenario, typical during inter forest migrations, because the user is security principal in both. Hybrid is when there are both enabled and disabled users in the same forest. Move from Account Forest to Exchange Resource Forest. Company is splitting Exchange off to its own forest. Maybe due to outsourcing it, complex business organization, or desire to de couple the Exchange org e. Installing-the-Active-Directory-Module-for-Windows-PowerShell-in-Windows-7.png' alt='Exchange 2010 Install On Member Server Functions' title='Exchange 2010 Install On Member Server Functions' />Move from Exchange Resource Forest to Account Forest. This is the reverse of 2. Company is bringing Exchange back into the same forest for simplicity, to better integrate with OCS though they are not required to be in the same forest, or collapsingconsolidating previously separate Exchange orgs into one user forest. Cross forest is when all users from the same organization are only contacts or mail enabled user objects in the other forest. This is not referenced as a common scenario because its usually in place between two separate legal entities and there would not be much movement e. Active Directory Forest Configuration examples Below are some AD forest configuration examples. The forest scenarios dont necessarily imply there is a move or migration going on, some are long term configurations. Resource Forest. A Resource Forest scenario is a deployment that has at least one Exchange Resource Forest that hosts user mailboxes but not active user accounts or enabled user accounts and at least one other forest that hosts the AD user accounts. In other words, Exchange is installed into an AD forest which is separate from the user account AD forest. A one way forest trust where the resource forest trusts the account forest is created. Each mailbox in the Exchange forest must have a corresponding user in the account forest, which is granted access to logon to the mailbox. This is referred to as a Linked Mailbox. The user objects in the Exchange forest are never logged onto by an end user and are disabled. Hybrid Forest. Typically this scenario is maintained initially for co existence while migrating and decommissioning a forest. It is different from a typical cross forest scenario because there may be both enabled and disabled users in both forests for the same organization. In some cases, an organization may actually need to maintain the Hybrid Forest scenario over the long term. While this is a supported scenario, it comes with additional complexity that must be addressed Mastering User and Exchange attributes occurs on both sides. A tool such as Forefront Identity Manager FIM, is needed to maintain consistent data on both sides, including the GAL. FreeBusy and Public Folder access requires additional configuration, tools, and in some cases maintaining an Exchange 2. Please note that the IOREPL tool isnt currently supported with Exchange 2. Exchange 2. 00. 3 Product support life cycle. FreeBusy, over the long term will be best managed using the new Federation services Microsoft Federation GatewayFor more information refer to Understanding Federation. Cross forest. Both forests contain mailboxes and user accounts and contacts. This type of configuration has user accounts always enabled and mailbox enabled, with a corresponding contact in the other forest. The following diagram depicts how different objects are represented in the corresponding forest For more information on forests related to Cross Org migrations, refer to http msexchangeteam. Three Migration paths you need to choose from Depending on the current topology you have employed, you may find yourself planning to move users into the new forest and then following with moving their mailboxes as well. There are essentially three ways of planning to move your resources A customized deployment in which you write ILM rules extension code to create the target Mail Enabled User MEU. You should already have a custom ILM deployment for cross forest GALSync. Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager Service Pack 1 Feature Pack 1 ILM 2. SP1 FP1 GALSync Management Agent MA doesnt include several attributes now required in Exchange 2. Setup-Fig1.png' alt='Exchange 2010 Install On Member Server Functions' title='Exchange 2010 Install On Member Server Functions' />Outlook Web App OWA has some new features in Exchange Server 2010, including support for Firefox and Safari Web browsers, Mail Tips and message filtering. Satheshwaran Manoharan is an Microsoft Exchange Server MVP, Publisher of CareExchange. SupportingDeployingDesigning Microsoft Exchange for some years. All questions regarding the implementation andor use of any validated cryptographic module should first be directed to the appropriate VENDOR point of contact. Hi Schadenboeck, I have some questions before we migrating from exchange 2003 to 2010 in a cross forest environment. Could you please clarify the same This definition explains the meaning of Microsoft Exchange Server and the various server roles that add resiliency and availability to the messaging platform. Exch. Mailbox. GUID. The out of the box GALSync MA cannot be used since it creates contact object instead of user object required for Online Mailbox Move. The ILM sample code demonstrates how to sync source mailbox as Mail Enabled Users MEU. Note Customers using out of the box GALSync MA may probably not know how to customize ILM. Use Prepare Move. Request. ps. 1 script to create the target MEU. It is important to note that the Prepare. Move. Request script works in conjunction with out of the box Exchange GALSync MA for ILM or FIM. This means the script has built in logic to convert target Mail Enabled Contact MEC created by ILM GALSync MA into the required MEU. Use Prepare Move. Request. ps. 1 script and then use ADMT to migrate the other attributes on the user object. Important Note Our recommendation on working with ADMT is to rely on the Prepare.