Simplify your procurement process and subscribe to Splunk Cloud via the AWS Marketplace. Learn More. CSA Cloud Controls Matrix, plus 2. GBT 2. 22. 39 2. GBZ 2. LEVEL THREE CSA STAR Continuous Monitoring. Currently under development, CSA STAR Continuous Monitoring enables automation of the current security practices of cloud providers. Providers publish their security practices according to CSA formatting and specifications, and customers and tool vendors can retrieve and present this information in a variety of contexts. Key Links Resources. For More Information. General Inquiries email protectedCSA STAR Certification Auditors https cloudsecurityalliance. CSA STAR Attestation Auditors https cloudsecurityalliance. Add your Service to the CSA STAR Registry. CSA STAR is open to all Cloud Providers. Eligibility for listing on the STAR Registry requires an official and authorized submission of one or more documents asserting compliance to CSA published best practices. The registry is intended to allow potential cloud customers to review the security practices of providers, accelerating their due diligence and leading to higher quality procurement experiences. The CSA STAR Information Center provides an FAQ, Support Forum and more. Cloud providers can submit two different types of reports to indicate their compliance with CSA best practices Submitting Reports to CSA is Simple. Fill out the form below and attach any supporting security control documents. When you are finished, click the Submit my Entry button. We will review your submission for accuracy and follow up via email to verify. If you have questions about your submission, please contact email protected. CSA STAR Registry Terms and Conditions. Your submission is subject to the CSA STAR Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to review these Terms and Conditions, which govern your use of the CSA STAR Registry. If you have difficulty using this form, please contact email protected.